Image Credits

Gallery Images

MPAS members have the ability to upload their own images for display in this website’s image gallery. As such, permission for use is implied for all images displayed in the gallery. Copyright ownership remains with those individual people and use of their images beyond this website is strictly prohibited without prior written consent.

MPAS Member Images

Where possible, non-gallery images used on this website are sourced from MPAS members directly and are used with permission. Use of their images beyond this website is strictly prohibited without prior written consent.

Copyright ownership remains with individual image owners (in alphabetical order):
Paul Albers, Rohan Baumann, Alex Cherney, John Cleverdon, Anders Hamilton, Steven Mohr, Jamie Pole, David Rolfe, Greg Walton

Other Images, Logos and Graphics

All other images are sourced from the public domain and so are free for use without attribution.

The use of company logos (social media logos, etc.) and other graphics belonging to third parties are used under the Australian Fair Dealing policy.