Meeting Recordings

Our monthly general meetings are usually recorded. You can watch the latest meeting video here, or browse the list of previous recordings below. Subscribe to our YouTube channel if you don’t want to miss the next one!

Meeting Recordings

  • MPAS Meeting June 2024
    Main talk: “Solar Eclipse; A Mexican Encounter”, by MPAS member Trevor Hand.
  • MPAS Meeting May 2024
    Main talk: “Space Storms in the Upper Atmosphere and Ionosphere”, by Dr. Stan Solomon, National Centre for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado. Public lecture courtesy of the National Science Foundation and NCAR.
  • MPAS Meeting April 2024
    Main talk: “Why Do Things Spin?”, by Prof. Hugh Hunt, Cambridge University, public lecture from 07-Feb-2020 courtesy of the Royal Institution in London.
  • MPAS Meeting March 2024
    Main talk: “Humanity’s First Time Around the Moon… and Our Next”, by Stephen Slater, UK Film Maker and Archive Producer.
  • MPAS Meeting February 2024
    Main talk: “Uranus: Exploring the Ice-cold Chemistry of the Frozen Frontier”, presented by Dr. Athena Coustenis, Director of the French Centre for Scientific Research, Paris Observatory and Dr. Naomi Rowe-Gurney, Astrochemistry Laboratory, NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre. Courtesy of the Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • MPAS Meeting January 2024
    Main talk: “Why Have We Not Found Any Aliens?”, by Keith Cooper. Public lecture courtesy of the Royal Institution, London
  • MPAS Meeting November 2023
    Main talk: “The NASA Psyche Mission: An Electric Journey to a Metal World”, presented by Dr. Lindy Elkins-Tanton, Principal Science Investigator for the mission at the University of New Mexico. Public lecture courtesy of the National Academy of Sciences.
  • MPAS Meeting October 2023
    Main talk: “Our Solar System: How Geology Began”, presented by Prof. Sara Russell, Planetary Scientist & Senior Research Lead at the Natural History Museum, London. Courtesy of the Geological Society, London.
  • MPAS Meeting September 2023
    Main talk: “Advanced Propulsion for JPL Deep Space Missions”, by Senior Research Scientist at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Dr. Dan Goebel.
  • MPAS Meeting August 2023
    Main talk: “What Is Reality?”, presented by Science Communicator, Marion Kerr. Public documentary about Emergence Theory courtesy of the Quantum Gravity Research Organisation in Los Angeles.
  • MPAS Meeting July 2023
    Main talk: “Exploring Astronomy And Space Through Philately”, by Katrin Raynor-Evans, astronomy writer and communicator, Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society and Royal Geographical Society. Public lecture courtesy of the British Thematic Association.
  • MPAS Meeting June 2023
    Main talk: “The Australian Photographic Prize and Astrophotography Secrets”, by multi-award winning professional photographer, Andrew Campbell.

For older recordings, head over to our YouTube Channel.