Meetings and Activities

General Meetings

MPAS regularly holds its General Meetings for members and anyone interested in joining the Society, on the third Wednesday of each month (except December), at the Briars commencing at around 8pm. See our events calendar for the dates.

These meetings are an informal way of learning more about MPAS and its activities and new members are always welcome. We often host invited speakers, have presentations on astronomical topics by society members, and a Sky for the Month presentation. And of course it’s a social event and a great opportunity to discuss and learn from each other.

Working Bees and BBQs

Members meet (roughly) monthly for working bees at the Briars, followed by a BBQ and stargazing. The usual date for the BBQ is the Saturday after the month’s General Meeting (Saturday after the third Wednesday). See our events calendar for the dates.


The Society Magazine Scorpius appears every two months and features articles written by members, updates about the Society and its activities, and a gallery of recent astro photos taken by MPAS members.

Groups IO – E-Scorpius

The Society communicates with its members via an email group. When joining you should have received an invite, however if you are missing this, please contact us. The direct link to the group is here.

Members Facebook Group

The Society also has a members-only Facebook group where we can share photos, ask questions and discuss various topics. If you are a member, click on the link below and request to join.

Online Meetings

In addition to meetings at Mt Martha Observatory (or when those are not possible), MPAS holds online members meetings. Details are sent to members via E-Scorpius and the members Facebook group. For technical details how to join an online meeting, see our Zoom Meetings page.