Shooting Stars in the Natural Environment

National Science Week Event, August 18, 2021, 8pm

Update: Due to COVID restrictions, this is now a free online lecture.

Ever seen a shooting star while standing outside under a starry, starry night?

If you’re lucky enough to be looking in the right direction at the right time, you might see one or many shooting stars, even if your local environment has light pollution present. But what exactly are shooting stars? Are they random or is there a pattern? Why are some brighter and different colours from others? Where do they come from, and where do they go? Do they burn up and disappear into thin air like magic? Can I hear them? Could I find one in my backyard? Could I be hit by one? Would it be dangerous or too hot to touch? What would it smell like? What’s inside it? Did the dinosaurs know about shooting stars?

The Mornington Peninsula Astronomical Society and Briars Historic Park will present a public talk all about meteors and meteorites, in which they will share insight into local meteorite falls, their history and local significance.

This is a free online lecture, but booking is required. Only one booking per family / group of people watching together is needed.
Your booking confirmation will contain all the details you need to join the event.

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